
Professor Gary Cook Awarded Roll of Honour

Professor Cook trained in radiology and nuclear medicine in London, completing his MD in Quantitative 18F-fluoride PET in Metabolic Bone Diseases at King’s College London.

He was appointed to the Chair of Molecular Imaging in the School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Sciences Cancer Imaging Department and KCL and Guy’s & St Thomas PET Centre and as an honorary consultant physician at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospitals in 2011.

Professor Cook currently leads a research group undertaking imaging trials including multicentre UK studies related to his research interests: novel functional imaging cancer biomarkers, development of radiomic methods and software, functional imaging of bone metabolism and bone metastases.

As a member of the BNMS for over 30 years, Professor Cook has been involved in working parties producing PET standards and a PET radiopharmaceutical manifesto. He has contributed to best practice guidelines for BNMS, European and US writing committees for breast, upper GI, prostate, and anal cancers.

The British Nuclear Medicine Society is the only independent forum devoted to all aspects of nuclear medicine in the UK. The BNMS Roll of Honour was established in 2017 to honour and remember those distinguished members who contributed to the history of nuclear medicine in the UK and to the BNMS. The Officers appoint to the BNMS Roll of Honour, a small number of highly distinguished members who have played significant roles in the history of the specialty.

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